HOW TO: Get Offered More Assignments from an Agency!

Securing more assignments from interpreting agencies requires proactive engagement, effective communication, and a commitment to delivering high-quality interpretation services consistently. In this blog post, I’m excited to share valuable insights and actionable tips. Whether you’re a seasoned interpreter or just starting out, these tips can help you establish stronger connections with agencies and secure more assignments. Let’s dive in!

Introducing Yourself:

First impressions matter, and when it comes to working with agencies, it’s essential to introduce yourself effectively. When reaching out to an agency for the first time, make sure your communication is professional, concise, and highlights your relevant experience and qualifications. Include a brief introduction about yourself, your ASL interpreting background, any certifications or specializations you have, and express your interest in collaborating with the agency.

Sending a Work Sample or Requesting a Skills Assessment:

One of the most effective ways to demonstrate your interpreting abilities is by providing a work sample or request for a skills assessment. This could be a video recording of you interpreting various scenarios, a link to your portfolio showcasing your past assignments, or scheduling a time to meet with someone within the agency to assess your interpreting skills. This allows agencies to assess your proficiency and suitability for their assignments more easily.

Introduce Yourself to the Schedulers:

Schedulers play a crucial role in assigning interpreters to various assignments. Take the initiative to introduce yourself to the schedulers at the agency you’re interested in working with. Build a positive rapport by expressing your eagerness to collaborate, your flexibility with scheduling, and your commitment to providing excellent interpretation services. Establishing a good relationship with schedulers can lead to more frequent assignments as they become familiar with your capabilities and reliability.

Communication is Key!:

Whether it’s confirming your availability or unavailability for an assignment, or providing additional information requested by the agency, agencies appreciate interpreters who are responsive, reliable, and easy to work with, so make it a priority to maintain open lines of communication and respond promptly.

Possessing these soft skills not only enhances an interpreter’s professional reputation but also signifies to agencies like The SOS Agency that they can be trusted to deliver exceptional interpretation services. By embodying these qualities, interpreters can strengthen their relationships with agencies and position themselves for continued success in the field.


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